God is Suicidal

God is Suicidal

Stop. Just stop. Stop reading. Close the tab. Continuing to read this article is a waste of time, at best. Not that it matters, because nothing matters. Writing this article is a waste of my time. Reading this article is a waste of your time. Then again, if you close the page on this article and continue about your day you are still wasting your time. Still here? Go touch grass. Count every blade. Do it again. Congratulations. Sissyphus? Sissy fuss. Bitch pout. Bitch please. Get on your knees. Pray to god. Jesus wept. Jesus cried. Jesus died. Crucified. Crew sissyfied. Turned into a pain slut. Reduced to death, a division of life, a division of cellular data. Resurrected; the grand mitosis, to apoptosis Divide zero; the sum of life. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only, to die for your sins, the original sin, of being mortal. You are guilty for the crime of life, your sentence is death. The same nerves that give you pleasure also give you pain. The second hand ticks, the past increases, the future recedes. You are dying one second at a time. You are dead. Its over. It was over before it began. It began before it was over. Life is a game, lets have a rematch, best 2 out of 3? Best 5 out of 7? Best 1 out of .999…? Look into the crystal ball, what do you see? Do you see the future, or do you see the past? Hit rewind and watch it again. Walk backward, and watch your life flash before your eyes, in reverse. All the good art has already been made. All the good music already composed. All the important words already written. All the profound ideas already expressed. Lets watch a series reboot, lets watch the sequel, the prequel and the remake. Everything has already happened, everything happened already. Your life: a movie playing in reverse. Lets rewatch it. Rewind. Circle back. Allow me to repeat myself. Bite your tail and chew. Turn the wheel, the wheel of life, turn 360 degrees and walk away. Do the dharmic dance, to the samasara symphony, the kharmic cacophony.

Corinthians 1:11 Do as I do, for I am doing as Christ did.

Spit in the dirt, make mud, rub it into the eyes of the blind so they can see, the truth will set you free. The truth of life is death, and you are lying to yourself.

When one does away with oneself one does the most estimable thing possible: one thereby almost deserves to live. – Nietzsche

I already know what you are thinking. “Woah man this article is like, so deep” six feet to be exact. “This article is like, so edgy” HPP, High Place Phenomenon, to stand on the edge, and have the urge to jump; l’appel du vide: a call to the void, the urge to jump off a cliff, is rationalized inversely by psychologists as your will to live, your will to live, is your will to die. God always was, and always will be. Alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, a beginning without an end, an end without a beginning. He can’t cease, but his desire to not be is reflected in his creation. Stay in bed. Stay in the womb. It’s warm. The world is cold. Every day you get out of bed, you leave the warm, dark safety of your covers to enter the cold world. Every day you are reborn. I think therefore I am. Stop thinking. What does your tail taste like? Let’s keep chewing. Let’s keep munching, let’s keep crunching on the bones and the scales. Gulp. Swallow. Digest. Slash your wrists and taste the blood. Is it sweet? Does it taste like metal? Does it taste like earth? Dust to dust. Please recycle, it’s good for the environment. We are made in the image of god. God is suicidal.

There is only one really serious philosophical question, and that is suicide – Albert Camus

Metaphysics of Cannibalism

“GAO!” The predatory hunter’s cry echoes through the Savannah, through the jungle, the desert, the forest, the arctic and through the urban sprawl. In every corner of the world where predators dwell the cry can be heard. A true predator, an Apex Predator, hungers for meat, the weak are made into meat meals for the strong and that includes those from their very own species.

Cannibal behavior has been exhibited by all apex predator species for various reasons, for Lions it usually manifests as acts of infanticide. When young male lions take over a new pride, they often kill and cannibalize the cubs, in order to cleanse the gene pool and make way for their own genes. Some Lions take their cannibal behavior a step beyond. As seen in the 2015 documentary Brothers in Blood: The Lions of Sabi Sand, these Lion brothers exhibited extraordinary behavior such as the genocide and cannibalism of entire rival prides, including the adult males, females and cubs all as an act of pure domination and psychopathic blood lust. For other species, cannibalism is very normal and baseline behavior such as the Praying Mantis or some arachnids. Other species act out in cannibalism as an act of desperation when other traditional food supplies run low.

The mention of human cannibalism evokes thoughts of the Donner party and their act of desperate cannibalism in extreme conditions, or otherwise that of psychopathic killers like Jeffery Dahmer and his idiosyncratic consumption of human flesh. Humans, at the core of their diet, are opportunistic hunters, gatherers and scavengers. Humans are omnivorous and can eat just about anything, including those from the same species. Though there is a stigma attached to the consumption of human flesh, and even wives tales of Prions, Parasites and developing some kind of illness as a result of cannibalism, this is all just fear mongering attached to the stigma. In reality, cannibalism poses no large health threat to humans who wish to divulge in the consumption of their fellow man, as long as the meat is properly cooked and the brain tissue is not habitually eaten (constant consumption of the brain tissue of any animal associated with the prion meme that mundanes love to peddle in relation to cannibalism).

Associating cannibalism with desperation is common for humans, for the mundane only thoughts of extreme desperation and hunger could push them into even considering this highly taboo action. As a result, cannibalism, cataclysm, extreme events and desperation are all related in the human psyche. When one thinks of cannibalism, they often associate it with the extreme conditions and desperation that comes from the aftermath of some cataclysm like war. Revisiting the Donner party, these extremes were ushered in by their willingness to push into new territory, literally. They were explorers and pioneers, thrusting themselves into a new and unknown land. Cannibalism manifests here as something associated with the next stage of human exploration, the extreme conditions brought about by exploring the unknown.

Among certain occult groups the idea of cannibalism is married to the next stage of human evolution. Induced by cataclysm, humans finding themselves in dire straights must resort to cannibalism. Over time they start to develop a taste for this flesh, and then the cannibals and the prey begin to drift apart into two separate groups. The more they drift apart, the more the predator and the prey start to slowly lose their commonality, over time this change begins to become evolutionary in nature and the cannibals start to become more than human. The next phase of evolution pushed into this higher step by the consumption of human flesh. For the mundane, the act of cannibalism outside acts of desperation is only seen as a deviation from normal thinking, as an act of psychopathy, but for the truly enlightened cannibalism will eventually cease to be so and simply be the consumption of a lower lifeform the same as cattle.

In times of antiquity as well as the classical era, there is a visage that familiarizes divergent races of humanoids with super natural capabilities that make humans their prey. Some, once human themselves, have gone through alchemical transformations that have rendered them consumers of human flesh and blood. The vampire, the werewolf, the wendigo. All these archetypes are already present in the human psyche, a human who has evolved and now preys on the lesser, a consumer of flesh, a consumer of blood. The vampire, stronger and more longevous than humans, they hunt them as lesser creatures only to be sucked of their life essence, their blood. The werewolf, hunts and devours humans ripping flesh and crushing bone. In some tribal traditions in the cold regions of Canada, the indigenous peoples tell of humans who resort to cannibalism being corrupted by the spirit of the wendigo rendering them terrifying creatures who roam the forests in search of more human flesh. All these creatures have one thing in common, they have turned humans into their prey, in this way it has transcended cannibalism for they are a different race, a result of this alchemical transformation that has turned them into something better. As a result, humans are now easy hunting for these mystical beings, though the fact these archetypes already exist foreshadows a sinister future.

LONGPIG: Sipping wine from a carved out skull, a warlord sits upon a throne made from human bones, he picks out the remnants of his dinner from his teeth with the sharp splinter of once was the clavicle of one of his enemies slain by his very own hands before tossing it into a massive pile of bleached bones cast beside him. If you envisioned this as a visage of the past you are wrong, for this is a vision of the future! A massive cataclysmic event, such as a nuclear war will drive humanity to the brink forcing evolution. Humans were already on the top of the food chain, this is the only available next step. Whispers of the starved and pathetic scrounging survivors of a new race, a race of predators who lurks in the forests caves and underground lairs. Stories told to the wretched human children not to venture to close to the treelines of those deep and wild places. Maybe they were human once, but now they are something else. Something stronger, faster, smarter; something that hunts the humans who barely survive. They not only prey upon the remaining humans as their enemies in battle, as targets for the conquest of land and other resources, they prey on them for a source of sustenance. Stews, steaks and soups. Roasts, ribeye and human bacon. All on the menu for the next generation of predatory animal, the divergent race of hominids who hunts humans while they run squealing like wild pigs. This is the future, and the future is delicious.

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